Wayne Hugo, author of  Cracking the Code to Educational Analysis (Pearson Education South Africa, 2013) has produced a video series that introduces the essentials of his book and provides practical examples. 

In his own words: "The idea behind the book and this series of videos is to enable anyone to learn the basics of educational analysis by asking 10 questions that get to the heart of how education works. The ten questions cover curriculum, pedagogy, levels of the education system, and stages of an education system. Some have called the book and video series ‘Basil Bernstein for Beginners’, and I suppose, on one level, I am complimented by the imputation that what I have done enables an understanding of the complex work of Bernstein. It is intended to do more than this however – the book and videos develop an active thinking process that improves the ability to analyze education processes. Check the videos out for yourself, they are all on YouTube. Start off with cracking the code to educational analysis – introduction "

If you found the introductory video useful and interesting, you might like to follow the links others in the series.

The A to V video set on Cracking the code to educational analysis

A:  introduction

B: Question 1 – everyday/specialised

C: Question 1: Examples

D: Question 2: Relationship between specialisations

E: Question 2 – Examples

F: Question 3 – relationships inside a specialisation

G: Question 3 – examples

H: eight curriculum possibility spaces – summary of questions 1, 2, and 3

I: Question 4 – selection of knowledge

J: Question 4 – Examples

K: Question 5 – Sequencing of knowledge

L: Question 5 – Examples

M: Question 6- Pacing of knowledge

N: Question 6 – Examples

O: Pedagogic possibility spaces – combination of questions 4, 5, and 6

P: Question 7 – Assessment and feedback

Q: Question 7 – Examples

R: Question 8 – relationships between teacher and students

S: Question 8 – Examples

T: Question 9 – Levels of education

U: Question 10 – Stages of education

V: Concluding example using all 10 questions: Educational analysis of South African education

Wayne Hugo