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OER in Higher Education

This section provides links to African OER initiatives and repositories to which African higher education institutions may contribute. The What’s New section provides targeted, singular messages aimed at educators, students, and the global OER community. The communications explore relevant OER-related topics. They primarily highlight OER from Africa, but might also feature resources from elsewhere in the world that are pertinent to Africa. This includes journal articles, blog posts, courseware, and research.

Four people looking at laptop

OER Initiatives in Africa

12 January 2018
Find a list of OER initiatives in Africa in various areas, including OER adaptation, OER reuse, OER repositories or portals, continuous professional development, and research.
Woman presenting in a conference using a microphone

What's Happening in OER in Africa

14 August 2018
This section provides the latest blogs, news, and events relating to OER in African higher education, including notices about new policies, research, events/conferences.